The North Journal of Humanities follows the policies the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) set forth as its ethical framework for scientific research. The journal employs a rigorous arbitration and review process conducted by knowledgeable and qualified reviewers, ensuring strict ethical standards are maintained to uphold the quality of scientific publications. The journal takes issues such as plagiarism, data falsification, copyright violations, and other ethical concerns in scientific publishing very seriously. Our editors enforce a strict "zero tolerance" policy regarding these unethical practices.

For more details and information about Publication Ethics (COPE), please visit the following links: 

The following is a selection of the most important ethics of scientific publishing, but authors should always visit the two links above for complete information:

-The North Journal of Humanities is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that adheres to a rigorous arbitration and review process. The journal provides essential guidelines for reviewers and arbitrators to ensure the publication of original research of high scientific value.

- The North Journal of Humanities holds the copyright for all submitted works. Authors must confirm that their research is original, has not been submitted elsewhere, and does not include copyrighted materials.
- Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to their research before submitting their papers to the journal.

- Authors must describe the data and methods in sufficient detail to enable other researchers to replicate the study. This allows others to benefit from the research findings.

- Research submissions must not include any material that has already been published. If authors wish to use previously published figures or images, they must obtain permission from the copyright holders.

- Plagiarism is defined as copying text, ideas, images, or data from another source without proper citation, including the reuse of one’s own previously published content. Any reused content must be enclosed in quotation marks and properly referenced. If the study design, structure, or language is influenced by prior works, those sources must be explicitly cited. All submissions will undergo a plagiarism check; detection of plagiarism during peer review may lead to rejection, while post-publication findings may result in an investigation and appropriate action in accordance with the journal's policy.

- The North Journal of Humanities is committed to promptly correcting and publishing any genuine errors found in published research once identified by readers, authors, or editors. The electronic version will be updated with a note indicating the correction date and a link to the original version. If an error significantly undermines the validity of the research paper, it will be withdrawn with an explanation.

- Information obtained through confidential services, such as peer review or grant applications, should not be used without the explicit written consent of the original author.

Research Paper Standards: Authors should provide an accurate description of their work and a balanced discussion of its significance. The research paper must contain enough detail and references to enable others to build upon the findings.

Data Access and Retention: The editorial board may request that authors submit the raw data associated with their research papers for review.

Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must ensure that their research is entirely original. If they incorporate the research or words of others, they must properly cite or quote those sources.

Duplicate or Concurrent Publications: Generally, authors should not publish research papers that describe the same research in more than one journal or paper.

Acknowledgment: Proper acknowledgment and thanks should always be given to the contributions of others.


  • The researcher is committed to credibility in copyright so that he includes in the list of authors everyone who has a valuable intellectual or scientific contribution to the process of conducting the research and its outcomes.
  • ‌A valuable intellectual or scientific contribution includes performing the following four tasks together:
    -The researcher’s participation in designing and planning the research project, extracting or obtaining research data, or analyzing or interpreting research data.
    -The researcher participates in drafting or critically reviewing essential parts of the scientific paper prepared for publication.
    -Final approval of the version to be published.
    -Agreeing to be responsible for the integrity and accuracy of all aspects of the research work and its outcomes.
  • Copyright should not be assigned in the following cases:

    -There is no valuable intellectual or scientific contribution to the research or its outcomes.
    -The contribution is limited to providing funding, data, raw materials, or equipment used to conduct the research.
    -Dedicating the authorship to a legal person to raise the status of the research.


Disclosure and conflict of interest: All authors must disclose in their research papers any financial or other material conflict of interest that may be interpreted as affecting the results of their research. Accordingly, all sources of financial support for the project must be disclosed (including the grant number or any other reference number, if any).

Material errors in published work: When the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, the author must notify the journal editor immediately and cooperate with the editor to withdraw or correct the paper.


Copyright Guidelines:

  • The researcher is dedicated to maintaining credibility in copyright by including all individuals who have made valuable intellectual or scientific contributions to the research process and its outcomes in the list of authors. 
  • A valuable intellectual or scientific contribution encompasses the following four key activities:
     1. Participation in designing and planning the research project, obtaining research data, or analyzing and interpreting research data.
     2. Involvement in drafting or critically reviewing significant sections of the scientific paper intended for publication.
     3. Granting final approval of the version to be published.
     4. Accepting responsibility for the integrity and accuracy of all aspects of the research work and its findings.
  • Copyright should not be assigned in the following situations:
    - There is no valuable intellectual or scientific contribution to the research or its outcomes.
    - The contribution is restricted to providing funding, data, raw materials, or equipment used in the research.
    - Dedicating the authorship to a legal person to raise the status of the research.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest:
All authors must disclose any financial or material conflict of interest in their research papers that could be perceived as influencing the results. This includes informing all sources of financial support for the project and any relevant grant or reference numbers.

Material Errors in Published Work:
If an author identifies a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they must promptly notify the journal editor. They should cooperate with the editor to withdraw or correct the paper as necessary.